For the past three years, I’ve written about affordable housing, transportation, zoning, and the harmful effects of a car-only transportation system. I’ve criticized allies for their mistakes, praised critics for the times they’ve made sense, and tried to start a conversation on issues that had too long been the domain of a few professional wonks.
This job is tough. Often, I need to dig through arcane reports, watch those marathon town council sessions, keeping up with the latest research, and more so I can understand the forces at work in Marin. It has been a labor of love for my home, but it is significantly tougher than I thought it would be when I first launched.
Today, I opened up a way for you to help make The Greater Marin even better. I’m inviting you to become a patron.
Patreon is a platform that allows you to set a monthly gift amount that entitles you to certain rewards, my way of saying thank you. Patrons will get access to patron-only happy hours, customized maps, and posters of the most popular transit diagrams to come out of The Greater Marin. And I’ll buy a drink for anyone who pledges at least $10/mo. If we got 20 people doing that, that would make for one awesomely free happy hour.
I hope you’ll consider becoming a patron of The Greater Marin. There is so much work to do in the county, so many cool issues to cover, and I can’t do it without your help.